14th Sunday after Pentecost
Romans 14:7-23
14 September 2014
Romans 14:7-23
14 September 2014
Elizabeth M. Deibert
Last week we considered Moses, the Burning Bush, and Jesus’
question: Who do you say that I Am? Today we return to the book of Romans, where
we were in August. Remember that Paul
has expounded on the glorious good news of the love of God that can never, ever
be taken away from you or anyone else.
Then he challenges us in chapter 12 to be transformed, changed into
people who live for God, who love like Jesus did, with the gifts you’ve been
given, and even in the challenges of persecution, hatred, evil, that we
followers of Christ are called to live peaceably. As much as is possible (and a lot is possible
in the power of the Holy Spirit at work in you!) we are to overcome evil with
So we skipped chapter 13, but chapter 14 of Romans is all
about community. In order to have true
community, we must avoid judging and being stumbling blocks to others. In other words, we value community over the
exercise of personal conviction.
The two disputable matters in the opening of chapter 14 are
these: Whether or not Christians should eat meat that had been sacrificed to
idols, and whether or not Christians should worship God on certain required
Jewish holy days. Because I know these
two issues have been burning in your minds all week, I thought we should
address them. (just kidding) But really, we can learn something from how
Paul handles these conflicted issues for the conflicted issues of our day. Now before I read this, I want to reassure
our newcomers at Peace that there is no serious conflict dividing this
church. But I do stand by my strong
words of caution today, because I see too many churches that are leaving
themselves vulnerable by tackling too much strong debate without care for
community, thinking that that’s the path to consensus. It is not.
Hear why:
Romans 14:7-23
We do not live to ourselves, and we do not die to ourselves.
8 If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the
Lord; so then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's. 9
For to this end Christ died and lived again, so that he might be Lord of both
the dead and the living.
10 Why do you pass judgment on your brother or
sister? Or you, why do you despise your brother or sister? For we will all
stand before the judgment seat of God. 11 For it is written,
"As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue
shall give praise to God." 12 So then, each of us will be
accountable to God.
13 Let us therefore no longer pass judgment on
one another, but resolve instead never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in
the way of another. 14 I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus
that nothing is unclean in itself; but it is unclean for anyone who thinks it
unclean. 15 If your brother or sister is being injured by what you
eat, you are no longer walking in love. Do not let what you eat cause the ruin
of one for whom Christ died. 16 So do not let your good be spoken of
as evil. 17 For the kingdom of God is not food and drink but
righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 18 The one who
thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and has human approval. 19
Let us then pursue what makes for peace and for mutual up-building. 20
Do not, for the sake of food, destroy the work of God. Everything is indeed
clean, but it is wrong for you to make others fall by what you eat; 21
it is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that makes your brother
or sister stumble. 22 The faith that you have, have as your own
conviction before God. Blessed are those who have no reason to condemn
themselves because of what they approve. 23 But those who have
doubts are condemned if they eat, because they do not act from faith; for
whatever does not proceed from faith is sin.
Your life and your death is not about you. It is about God, whom we have come to know in
Jesus Christ. This concept is difficult
for modern Americans, who for generations have lived into this notion of
personal independence. I was chatting
with a friend, someone I know to be a Christian (not someone in the Peace community)
and I was shocked by fierce language she used to describe a family conflict
that had endured for 14 years. She
celebrated her freedom to assert herself in cutting this step-daughter out of
her life. Now I know it is healthy for
us all to express our angry feelings, but I was concerned about her
attitude. She had convictions I could
see, but her understanding of community (within her family) was severely
wounded. Where does my concern turn to
judging her?
I see this problem in churches too, though not so often in
this church. Folks have a personal
conviction and they bump into someone else who does not share that conviction,
and rather than giving room for the other person, they write them off. Often times they leave the church, looking
for another church, where everyone shares the same personal convictions about
everything – faith, family life, politics.
Good luck with finding that church where everyone agrees!!
Have you noticed that I am very reluctant to bring up
controversial issues in worship? I
mention them, but I try to refrain from telling you how you should think about
them, which could become an abuse of the pulpit. Our Adult education team is very reluctant
to present a class that is going to divide people by inviting them to assert
their personal convictions in ways that destroys community. Is this just conflict avoidance behavior? No, it is a Romans 14 community
concern. Community is more valuable than
personal conviction. Richard and I
don’t agree on everything. If you’ve
been around us long, you will have noticed this. But community in our marriage trumps
personal conviction – most of the time.
; ) My sister, a Southern Baptist, and I really
don’t agree on everything. She and her
husband and Richard & I used to argue, but we gave that up. We just do not engage the subjects that we
know will divide us. No point in picking
a fight.
There are many personal convictions that could divide this
church Peace, if we let them:
Our perspectives on immigration, military involvement
abroad, gay marriage, Israel and Palestine, abortion, gun control, Muslim-Christian
relationships are among the most divisive issues. We could set up classes or debates on these
issues, and we might have some fruitful and informative discussions. But we must do so with great care and
concern for preserving community. We can
have these discussions, but we always do so at the risk of someone (and all it
takes it one – to the left OR to the right) setting off another person in the
group, disrupting community for the sake of personal conviction. And peace is diminished, and if it gets bad
enough, Peace Church is diminished by it.
For Paul and the early church, the problem was the same, the
issues were different. Nobody here
cares about whether you eat meat or not.
We probably should care where your meat has been, if you eat it, but we
don’t. We do not care whether you
worship on Saturday or Sunday. We do
assert with conviction that adultery is wrong, that abusive relationships of
any kind are wrong. We can agree that
stealing, lying, cheating, murdering are wrong, and that disrespecting God or
any human being is very wrong. We will
agree that loving God and neighbor is the key, but how that gets defined in
specific ways, we will disagree.
According to Romans, the problem is we judge one
another. The problem is we make others
stumble. The problem is we care more
about expressing what we think/how we feel than preserving community with
another human being, and especially a brother or sister in the church. And Paul uses harsh language – we ruin one
for whom Christ died. We destroy the
work of God!
We can summarize the lesson of Romans 14 in the following four
- God is
the Lord of the conscience. That
is one of our guiding principles as Presbyterians. Your convictions are yours. Be secure in them – such that you do not
need force others to share them. Your convictions may be wise and sensible
but they are not necessarily authoritative for all people, places, and
time. Some of the most confident assertions of the Church have later been
cast off by the church 50 or 100 years later. Some of the most confident assertions of
the church in the Southern Hemisphere are quite different from those of
the Northern Hemisphere.
Let God be the Lord of your conscience as you interpret
scripture for today. Listen carefully
to the Spirit speaking through a variety of voices. You will stand face-to-face with God. We all will.
- Don't
pass judgment on your brother or sister if they have a freedom or
liberality in an area of faith and life that you don't have. As the saying goes, when you point a
finger at someone else, there are three fingers pointing back at you. Jesus said, “Do not judge, that you may
not be judge. Stop examining so
closely for the speck in someone else’s eye. Get on with removing the log in your
own.” Oh, but it is so tempting to
look for specks. Let me see if I
can see some specks in you all now….
- If you experience a certain freedom in Christ in an area that is conflicted, never let your exercise of freedom cause a weaker sister or brother in the faith to stumble. (The Greek word for stumble in verses 13 and 21 is skandalon, from which comes our word, scandal and scandalize) Be sensitive to their perspective; don’t scandalize them with your behavior. Don’t express your freedom as if to say any intelligent Christian or any truly faithful Christian must certainly agree with you on that point. It is not necessarily true. Be humble in posturing yourself, that you may not make another person fall.
- Pursue what makes for peace and building up the others. This quote connects well with the verse from Ephesians 4 that will be our call to discipleship which I will paraphrase here. “Speak the truth in love, grow up into Christ, and promote the growth and the connectivity of the body of Christ.”
We simply cannot allow the kind of fierce debate that the
world loves to passionately engage, with its destructive forces, invade our
church and destroy the beautiful community that God has given us. We have to live according to our
God-ordained unity, building one another up in love. With the Moravians, a 15th century
movement started in Prague by Christian martyr, Jan Hus (a reformer who came
along before Luther or Calvin), we can affirm "In essentials, unity; in
nonessentials, liberty; and in all things, love" *
Our name is Peace and peaceful and deeply respectful is what
we will be in all our dealings with one another – always.
*Often attributed to St. Augustine, this quote seems to
originate with Marco Antonio de Dominis, (1560-1624), a Catholic bishop in
Italy. It has been unofficially adopted
by the Moravians and much appreciated by other Christians.
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